Make your ads attractive by emphasizing Whatsapp Mobile Number List the USPs ( Unique Selling Points ) of your product or service.Add remarketing audiences (RLSA) to your campaign In Google Ads, you can create and add remarketing audiences to specific campaigns. Think of the website visitors of the past 180 days. If the visitors leave your Whatsapp Mobile Number List site without making a purchase, you can reconnect with them this way. With RLSA ( Remarketing lists for search ads ) ads, you can increase the bid for a particular keyword if a visitor belongs to that specific audience. Thanks to RLSA, you constantly shift the center of gravity of your campaign. From this Whatsapp Mobile Number List point of view it is only relevant with a manual bidding strategy.
But you can also add RLSA lists with a Whatsapp Mobile Number List automatic bid strategy. On the basis of that data, Google will 'learn' faster and in this way provide additional information to the automatic bidding strategy. 8. Add exclusion lists Just as certain keywords are relevant to your business, there are also keywords that can be Whatsapp Mobile Number List disastrous for your products or services. Anyone who sells handmade, artisanal design tables from an expensive segment would rather not be found by people looking for second-hand or free tables. You can exclude these keywords individually at the ad group level or campaign level, but you Whatsapp Mobile Number List can also create a list of negative keywords.
You can then add these lists to the relevant Whatsapp Mobile Number List campaigns yourself. In this way you make the campaigns even more targeted and profitable.Advertising on products and specific promotions leads to clicks from people who are interested in those things. However, don't forget to advertise on your own Whatsapp Mobile Number List brand name as well. This is inexpensive and will boost your account's Quality Score. 10. Increase your ad's impression share Impression share is the percentage that indicates how often your ad appears when a specific keyword is searched for. You have to make sure that you have the highest Whatsapp Mobile Number List possible impression share, especially with the cheapest converting keywords.