Related: How to Write Great "Question" Content They could have easily titled this title "5 Frequently Asked Questions about Overhead Cranes" and left it there. But adding the simple phrase "and how to avoid them" instantly quells readers' concerns, starts to calm their fears, and entices them to click and learn more about the solution. Oh yes, it has a great corresponding video! As we mentioned in our cost article above, video is a powerful educational tool.
This video from Mazzella does a great job of not only telling you the issues, but more importantly, showing you what they are, up close and personal. Each of the industry mailing list questions includes a corresponding image as you scroll through the article. This helps break down the text for the reader while telling an engaging visual story. Free Online Course: Corporate Video and Marketing Strategies It is fearless and therefore trustworthy.
This shows their willingness to address these common problems of their customers, while also providing solutions. The article also contains 13 links to related content on Mazella's website. Readers have 13 opportunities to learn more, continue their education, and become better buyers of their products and services. 3. Examples of B2B commercial real estate content marketing (comparison) Commercial Real