The task of acquiring this medallion is one that is both time-consuming and challenging, but if you are familiar with the steps that need to be taken, the process will be easy for you to complete. During the entirety of this process, you will be confronted by a number of adversaries, some of whom will be particularly challenging to vanquish.
In comparison to the previous boss that you were forced to contend with, defeating Loretta won't be nearly as difficult as it was the last time. You will need weapons that are able to keep up with her quick movements and attacks, so make sure that you are adequately prepared for this. If you don't make any adjustments to this, you're going to put Millicent in a very dangerous situation. I mean, what could possibly be worse than making it through the entirety of the Lands Between, facing off against challenging bosses, and then witnessing Millicent's death at the hands of a boss that you are currently attempting to overcome? Because of this, it is absolutely necessary for you to refrain from entering the Prayer Room once the battle has already begun. After the fight is over and you have established that you are victorious over Loretta, you need to go back to the room and have a discussion with Millicent.
Following your discussion with her, proceed further into Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree, until you reach a point where you are able to enter the Elphael Inner Wall Site of Grace
1. You can find this in the lower parts of the Haligtree; the image that follows will show you exactly where in the Haligtree you can find it
2. To get to the Site of Grace at the Drainage Channel, you are going to have to travel a little bit further
3. Following that, you will be required to look for a Scarlet Rot pool that has the Grave Grave Glovewort placed smack dab in the middle of it
To get to the Site of Grace at the Drainage Channel, you are going to have to travel a little bit further. Following that, you will be required to look for a Scarlet Rot pool that has the Grave Grave Glovewort placed smack dab in the middle of it. In front of you are going to be two different summoning signs, and in order for you to proceed, you are going to have to choose between one of the two. If you follow the Red sign's instructions, you will be able to get rid of Millicent and claim her prosthesis if you choose that path. But you are well aware that, in the end, you will have no choice but to betray her, aren't you? Do you, on the other hand, want to free yourself from the mess that you've made for yourself? For those of you who are more likely to be found in the second category, the Golden sign is the one that you ought to select. It is possible to use this Tailsman in either scenario because of its ability to increase the power of successive attacks, which makes it an excellent option for use either against a group of adversaries or a single powerful boss. After you have finished assisting Millicent in battle, you will need to take a break at the Drainage Site of Grace and then proceed to the location where you found the summoning signs. After you have rested, you can then head to the location where you found the summoning signs. Millicent is located on the ground in this general vicinity. Look for her there. Speak with her so that you can have one final conversation with her, and after that, make your way back to the Site of Grace so that you can rest there once more. If you loot her body, you will obtain the Unalloyed Gold Needle, which you can then use at a later time to purchase the Miquella's Needle. If you loot her body, you will also obtain the Miquella's Needle. In order to acquire the Miquella's Needle, you will need to make your way to the Haligtree Roots and prevail over Malenia, who serves as the Blade of Miquella in that location. After that, and only then, will you be able to get your hands on the item. If you are still having trouble defeating this boss, you may want to consider reading our guide for the fight against Elden Ring Malenia, which covers the boss fight in that encounter. If you are able to defeat her, you will be able to retrieve Miquella's Needle by using the Unalloyed Gold Needle on the flower that she leaves behind after she is defeated. This will only be possible if you are successful in defeating her. This unfortunate dealing has already been discussed in great detail in our in-depth guide to the best conclusions for the Elden Ring. The fact that so many players chose to go down this path in the dark without being aware of the potential damage it could cause makes them deeply regret the decisions they made in the game. If it so happens that you obtained the Flame of Frenzy mark inadvertently but now feel remorse about doing so after finding out what kind of ending you will receive as a result of having obtained it, you will be relieved to know that there is a method by which you can reverse the entire process. This will come as good news to you because there is a method by which you can reverse the entire process. In order to successfully complete this mission, you are going to have to pay a visit to the Dragonlord Placidusax. One of the most challenging bosses in Elden Ring is the Dragonlord Placidusax, who is also one of the bosses that cannot be seen by the player. Due to the fact that he is not the type of boss that can be vanquished by the player in a short amount of time, engaging in combat with him requires careful strategy. You will be required to don Miquella's Needle as soon as you enter the arena in which Dragonlord Placidusax is located, and then you will be expected to make use of it once you have done so. Once you have the ability to bring the Flame of Frenzy under control, you will no longer be required to carry the mark because you will no longer need it. For the benefit of those who are not aware, the conclusion of Flame of Frenzy involves you witnessing the total destruction of the Erdtree and everything that was located in its immediate vicinity. In other words, you will not be successful in bringing about a change in the circumstances in the Lands Between if you continue to act in this manner. This is where you will find our walkthrough for the Elden Ring runes Millicent questline. We have high hopes that it will make completing the quest much simpler and more efficient for you, and we look forward to seeing how it turns out. It is best for you to estimate how much time it will take you to complete it, but you should prepare yourself for the fact that it will probably be quite some time. You should keep in mind that if all you want is Millicent's Protethits, then you have every right to betray her. This is something you should keep in mind at all times. This is one of the most essential points that must be borne in mind at all times. The hex won't be broken until such a time, however. While you're here, don't leave without reading the review of the Elden Ring runes for sale that we just put up on this website.