The first shot of Ethiopia's division was fired. At the beginning of 2020, perhaps the ruling team of Prime Minister Ahmed realized something in the assassination case of the famous singer Hachalu Hundesa in this year (2020), and found that the TPF was secretly brewing something. , thereby accelerating the speed of the attacking formation. In the middle of the year, the Ethiopian federal government issued a new monetary policy, and in the name of fighting corruption, a new version of the Ethiopian birr currency was issued. The old currency on hand must be exchanged within the time limit. There is a limit on the amount, and those who carry excess old currency will be directly arrested according to law.
And people and vehicles who bulk sms service smuggle old currency and smuggle old currency are hunted down all over the country. From an outsider's point of view, this policy seems to be aimed at combating the prevailing corruption situation in the government. In fact, combating corruption is an added value, mainly aimed at the promotion of the People's Front, to cut off the party's finances. The next thing finally detonated the war between the federal government and the people's front. Due to the impact of the Wuhan pneumonia, the parliamentary and state general elections originally scheduled to be held in September must be postponed according to the federal government's order, but the PFLP rejected the federal government's order and insisted on holding the election on the original date. Re-elected as the state's ruling party. And the PFLP began to question the legitimacy of Prime
Minister Ahmed's ruling because according to the Ethiopian constitution, states have the right to hold elections as scheduled, and the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic is not enough to constitute a reason and excuse for the postponement of the election, claiming that the federal government issued a postponement. The order is invalid, and Prime Minister Ahmed has lost his legitimacy and refuses to continue to cooperate with the federal government. In this situation, Prime Minister Ahmed initially tried to send a representative to Mekelle, the capital of Tigray state, to negotiate with the PFLP, hoping that all disputes could be resolved peacefully and that there was no need to further expand the conflict.